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03/08/13: Waterfront Partnership’s ‘Shamrock Shindig’

DOWNTOWN: ‘Shamrock Shindig’ to kick off Baltimore St. Patrick’s Celebration. Mr. Boh, Barleyjuice, Port Discovery and more
Get ready to jig, swig and eat big at the second annual Waterfront Partnership‘s “Shamrock Shindig” Sunday. Port Discovery Children’s Museum has arts and crafts for the kids, while local bars have craft beers and local brews on tap. Mr. Boh National Bohemian, the Celtic-rock band Barleyjuice will also be on hand to entertain everyone at this family friendly party at Pierce Park. The Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore is hosting the morning party near Pier 5, right before the 58th annual St. Patrick’s Day parade, which starts at 2 o’clock downtown. We’ll let you know how you can get 20% off your Shamrock Shindig tickets with promo code Buy Local, Buy Maryland
VIEW VIDEO REPORT on The List website


BALTIMORE: 8 ways to celebrate National Peanut Cluster Day. Wockenfuss Candies’ peanut treats & tours
What better way to celebrate National Peanut Cluster Day than at Baltimore’s Wockenfuss Candies? For nearly 100 years, Wockenfuss has been making chocolate, and tomorrow…Wockenfuss is doing something they haven’t done for their 98-year history – open their factory doors to the public. That’s right, you have the chance to tour their candy and chocolate facilities. We have a list of eight peanut sweet treats you can try to celebrate National Peanut Cluster Day.
VIEW VIDEO REPORT on The List website



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