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09/10/08: Obama SW VA Town Hall Reaction

Sen. Obama Comes To Work Senator Barack Obama kicked off the Tuesday’s Southwest Virginia town hall by taking off his jacket and telling the crowd “We’ve got some work to do.”
About 2,000 people braved the rain and packed the Lebanon High School gym for the “Change We Need” town hall. The democratic candidate took the stage just after 5:30p.m.
Since it was set in a school, the senator talked a lot about education and the future of No Child Left Behind practices. Obama also took on coal mining, energy use and the United States dependency on foreign oil. The democratic hopeful used Lebanon’s coal mining and technology backdrop to talk about clean-coal options.
Lipstick Smear? While, Sen. Barrack Obama touched on energy and education at the town hall, it’s a ‘lipstick’ comment that threatens to smear the campaign stop.
“You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig,” said Obama.
The comment referenced republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain’s campaign promises to “change Washington.”
The McCain-Palin campaign is demanding an apology from Obama for the ‘lipstick’ comment.
The political buzz Wednesday morning surrounds whether the ‘lipstick’ comment was a smear directed at Sen. McCain’s running mate Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.
Courting Women Voters Political analysts say female voters may make or break the Obama campaign in Southwest Virginia.
According to Virginia Tech Political Science Professor Robert Denton, the female vote is up for grabs across the commonwealth. Virginia’s ninth district heavily supported Senator Hillary Clinton back in the democratic primaries.
LISTEN TO POLITICAL ANALYSIS: Virginia: The State of the Commonwealth Battle Ground http://www.tricities.com/tri/news/local/article/virginia_the_state_of_the_commonwealth_battle_ground/13713/
Possible McCain-Palin Visit? This is Sen. Barack Obama’s second town hall trip to the Tri-Cities area. Campaign organizers haven’t indicated any plans for Obama or his running mate Sen. Joe Biden to return before the November election.
There’s also no word on whether the McCain-Pailn ticket will visit the area. ###

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