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09/23/08: Tri-Cities Drivers Looking for Gas Price Relief

The spike at the pump is slowly dropping across the Tri-Cities. Still the sticker shock in the Tri is higher than anywhere else across the Volunteer state.
Eye on I-40 Drivers can see the difference and climbing gas prices traveling westward Interstate-40 from the Tri-Cities to Knoxville.
The AAA fuel gage reports the average gas price in the Tri-Cities is $3.87/gallon. That’s down two-cents from Monday.
Knoxville gas customers are paying an average of $3.54/gallon.
As the spikes at gas pumps across the tri-cities start to come down, so is the gas supply across America’s southeast.
Gas Shortage? The United States is not running out gas.
Many refineries across the Texas Gulf Coast are behind production following Hurricanes Ike and Gustav.
Less Gas Supply = Higher Demand & Prices
Hurricanes Ike and Gustav temporarily shutdown the gulf coast refineries. Tuesday several are still struggling to get back up to full production.
This is sending a wave of gas shortages in areas like Atlanta, Charlotte and Nashville.
In many cases, drivers are lining up to paying more than four-dollars a gallon for gasoline.
A spokesman for a pipeline company that delivers gasoline and other fuel to major cities in the southeast says more fuel has been arriving from refineries, but not enough for full operation. Industry experts say they should be back to full production in about a week.
Since last week Your Tri-Cities News Source phones have rang off the hook as viewers join the pump patrol.
We invite everyone to sound-off online here on tricities.com. Type keyword “wallet watch” to join the pump patrol.
Or you can click the following link.
Wallet Watch http://www.tricitiesblogs.com/economy/ Pump Patrol http://www.tricitiesblogs.com/economy/pump_patrol/ Why Are Gas Prices So High In The Tri-Cities Region? http://www.tricities.com/tri/news/local/article/why_are_gas_prices_so_high_in_the_tri_cities_region/14234/ ###

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